Extreme weather at Åland, by Jesper Theilgaard, NIPÅ

Extreme weather at Åland

We experienced an extremely dry and warm summer in 2018, after which we had the storm Alfrida and we all have, to some extent, taken part of Greta Thunberg-inspired actions all around the world. Climate issues affect us all and the concern about for climatechange is growing. Are what we are experiencing extreme weather? Is this our new normal?

NIPÅ has invited the Danish meteorologist Jesper Theilgaard to Åland in order to hold a number of interesting lectures in the area climatechange and the weather phenomena we noe are experiencing. There are a lot of myths about the climate and many different views on climatechange and global warming. Jesper Theilgaard has more than 40 years of experience in climate research and he thinks it is a very a important task to talk about the ongoing climate change that changes our world. We need action now if climate change is not to create even more chaos in the world.

Welcome to an extremely exciting and thoughtful lecture! 

Extreme weather at Åland, Alandica Kultur & Kongress
April 25th, at 7.00 p.m.

Tickets 15 € can be booked at alandica.ax

During his Åland-visit April 24th-25th Jesper Theilgaard also holds several other interesting lectures, among other things at Öppna Högskolan på Åland and at Önningebymuseet;

Myths and facts about climate change, Öppna högskolan på Åland 25.4, at. 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Weather in art, Önningebymuseet, 24.4 at 7.00 p.m.

(photo: Jen We)

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