Myths and facts about climate change

NIPÅ has invited Danish meteorologist Jesper Theilgaard to lecture at Öppna högskolan about myths and facts about climate change.

Jesper Theilgaard has more than 40 years of experience in climate research and he sees it as an important task to talk about the ongoing climate changes that are currently changing our world around. His lecture at the university will be based on scientific and documented facts regarding climate change and at the same time make parallels to the Åland and Nordic weather.

Myths and facts about climate change, Öppna Högskolan
25.4, at 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The lecture is open to all and free of charge.

The registration for the lecture is done here ( no later than 23.4.

During his visit to tha Aland Islands, Jesper Theilgaard also holds several other interesting lectures at Önningebymuseet and Alandica. Many of us have reflected on the extremely dry and hot summer, then the storm Alfrida and we all have, to some extent, taken part of Greta Thunberg-inspired actions around the whole world. Climate issues affect us all and the concern for the climate is growing. Are what we now are experiencing extreme weather? Is this our "new normal"? Theilgaard actualizes what we need to relate to in the future and emphasizes that we need action now if climate change is not to create even more chaos in the world.

We look forward to welcoming Jesper Theilgaard to Åland on 24-25.4, as he will, in addition to the lecture at ÖppnaHögskolan, hold a number of interesting lectures on climate research and climate development;


Weahter in art, Önningebymuseet, 24.4, at 7.00 p.m. 

Extremeweather at Aland Islands, Alandica, 25.4, at 7.00 p.m.

NIPÅ is a participant in the network and works actively to inspire a sustainable and sustainable society through art and culture.

(Photo: Giga Khurtsilava)

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