The Nordic Institute in Åland presents a new concept with digital exhibitions

Digital exhibitions at NIPÅ

Publicerad Tuesday 14 April kl 11:23

Now NIPÅ presents a concept with digital exhibitions at A concept where the exhibition is only shown online, according to the needs of the exhibition and the artist!

NIPÅ now encourages artists who are interested in exhibiting digitally to read more about the concept. There is also a form online where you can register your interest and present your idea, if you want to apply for a digital exhibition at Read more and apply for digital exhibition at NIPÅ here.

The digital exhibitions will incloude artists from all over the Nordic region, ofcourse including the self-governing areas such as Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Åland.

"- It is ofcourse sad that we cannot have physical exhibitions right now, but the digital exhibitions creates completely different, new possibilities! And we are really excited about the concept. This allows us to present Nordic culture in Åland and vice versa, ie also a great opportunity to have art from Åland presented digitally around in the Nordic countries!" says Anna Lind Bengtsson, who is communications manager at NIPÅ and who is also initiator of the idea and concept.

First to be presenting a digital exhibition is Bo Torgé (AX) with the exhibition "Music in the art - here are no boundaries". The exhibition starts at April 23rd and lasts for two months at Then it is time for Johanna Sandin (FI) who will shows artwork from junk that has been washed ashore along the finnish beaches. Her exhibition will also include an invitation and challenge to everyone to pick up junk and create art from it. The exhibition is called Washed Ashore and opens 24.6 and runs until 24.8 at


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